Stipendio Aleksandar Vučić

Presidente - Serbia
Nato: 1970, Belgrade, SR Serbia, SFR Yugoslavia
  • All'anno: 20.400,00 €
  • Al mese: 1.700,00 €
  • Alla settimana: 392,31 €
  • Al giorno: 78,46 €
Aleksandar Vučić
Questo riassunto è tratto da Wikipedia

Aleksandar Vučić è un politico serbo, Presidente della Repubblica di Serbia dal maggio 2017 e presidente del Partito Progressista Serbo; è stato primo ministro della Serbia dall'aprile 2014 al maggio 2017.

Pagina Wikipedia di Aleksandar Vučić Apr 2019: Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić earns double the average salary in Serbia, which amounts to 52,000 dinars. His counterparts in the region, Europe and the world simultaneously collect at least three times the monthly earnings of the average citizen in the country they rule, and there are also rare cases where the President receives up to eight times the national budget per month from the national budget each month. to which he lives.

According to the latest data, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic's salary is the lowest compared to the leaders of the countries of the region and amounts to 1.139 euros per month. At the same time, Croatian presidents Kolinda Grabar Kitarovic and Slovenia Borut Pahor receive three times the salary in their respective countries, while the Hungarian president's salary is 4.5 times higher than the average salary of citizens of that country.


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Update: 2023-5
